Software Asset Management

Drive Results With Our 5-star Rated Software Management Platform

SaaS Spend Management Software

Software Asset Management that Unites IT and Finance

Software asset management clients

Key Features

Software Spend Optimization

SaaS Spend Optimization

Eliminate unnecessary costs, duplicate software licenses, shadow applications, and more with information from our access dashboard and vendor insights report.

Software Catalog

Software Catalog

Contain software sprawl by providing employees with a centralized and convenient catalog to request access to approved software.

Automated Onboarding & Offboarding

Automated Onboarding & Offboarding

Efficiently automate provisioning and deprovisioning of licenses when onboarding and offboarding employees for more streamlined user management.

What is a Software Asset Management Platform?

A SaaS management platform (SMP), like FinQuery’s Software Management platform formerly known as StackShine, enables organizations to discover, manage, automate, and optimize their software applications in a central administration console.

These software spend management tools provide full visibility into software costs and usage at an organization and are critical to software spend optimization.

FinQuery Software Management provides continuous SaaS discovery and aggregating access, usage, and administrative information, like financial, contract, and governance data, into a single dashboard.

How Do Software Spend Management Tools Help?

StackShine Software Spend Management Software Catalog

Software spend management tools empower IT operations administrators to enhance the utilization and security of SaaS applications. They assist organizations in comprehending the following:

  • Which software applications are being used
  • How and to what extent they are being used
  • Who has access to them

FinQuery’s Software Management platform is a software spend management platform that automatically detects your organization’s software applications, eliminating shadow IT and mitigating software sprawl. With direct integrations, browser extensions, and plug-ins, FinQuery Software Management works with the tools you already have to provide full visibility into your software usage and help you manage your software portfolio.

In addition to the cost savings you get from discovering overlapping and underutilized apps, FinQuery’s Software Management platform also saves you time with an easy-to-use software catalog for employees, alerts for newly discovered software and upcoming renewal dates, automated employee offboarding, and more. Relying on manual processes to manage software spend is tedious, but using the right software spend management software simplifies software spend optimization, helps financial teams run more efficiently, and increases overall transparency.

Software Spend Management: Why Now?

For many organizations, SaaS, or software as a service, is one of the top three expenses on their income statement and includes over 125 different applications on average. On a per-employee basis, software costs slightly more than $1000 per employee annually and is growing at a rate of 15-20% per year according to Gartner.

Don’t think you’re one of those organizations? You may be surprised. Because software subscriptions are so prevalent and affordable at the individual level, they’re often purchased on an employee p-card to solve an individual or functional team problem. In fact, Gartner posits that the average IT team is only aware of one-third of the software applications in use at their organization. All those unknown apps are considered shadow IT and are attached to shadow contracts and shadow spend.

While these purchases are usually made with good intent and are not financially material on their own, they add up – to big dollars and potentially big headaches in aggregate. Software that has not been approved by IT may come with security risks. Software licenses purchased without the finance or IT team’s knowledge may become zombie subscriptions the organization pays for but no one uses because no one remembers they have them. Purchasing software outside the normal procurement process may also lead to duplicate or redundant subscriptions across teams resulting in less favorable pricing because there was no central negotiator and no bulk discounts.

These issues have led many organizations to seek out software spend management software, like FinQuery’s Software Management platform, to get better visibility and control over their software tech stack. These software spend management platforms help companies discover, track, and optimize their software to mitigate risk, unlock savings, and improve efficiency.

Book an intro call to learn more about how FinQuery can help simplify software spend management for your organization.

FinQuery’s Software Management Platforms Features

SaaS Software Catalog

Software Catalog

A centralized and convenient way for employees to request software access enables license management.

Automated Alerts

Automated Alerts

Get notified of new subscriptions, upcoming renewals, unusual charges, and more for proactive SaaS spend optimization.

Powerful Reporting

Powerful Reporting

View spending, usage, activity, and licenses at aggregate and department levels to effectively manage software subscriptions.

Security Monitoring

Security & Compliance

Visibility into software usage enables you to better monitor security and comply with data governance rules.

Employee Offboarding

Employee Offboarding

Automatically remove employees from integrated software for easy SaaS administration and see exactly where to remove loose-end access.

Employee Collaboration

Simple Collaboration

Invite workspace administrators to collectively manage vendors, uncover expenses, track licenses, and a lot more in one SaaS management platform.

Software Subscription Calendar

Subscription Calendar

See the timing of past and future software expenses for simple budgeting and efficient cash flow forecasting.

Software Application Discovery

App Discovery

FinQuery automatically detects your organization’s software applications, eliminating shadow IT and mitigating software sprawl.

File Management

File Management

Create a repository for all the contracts, invoices, and files you need when reviewing a vendor in a centralized SaaS management tool.

FinQuery Sets the Standards for Software Asset Management

Book a call to see how FinQuery can help your team start:

Tracking and optimizing all software licenses and subscriptions

Automating tedious IT tasks such as license deprovisioning

Unlocking savings with our advanced spending insights

Learn How School of Motion Saved Thousands on Day One with FinQuery

“We grew so quickly and before we knew it we had no idea what apps were being used by our team or what the total costs were. Solving this problem manually was going to be a nightmare, FinQuery has been a game changer for us.”
School of Motion Case Study